Well, it is summer time! Jackson & Braden officially graduated Preschool! Ha! Love it! They had a ceremony and everything! They even had caps! It was such a blessing to have Jackson open the entire school in prayer! Wow! A mothers dream! I was hoping for him to be able to pray from his heart, but I am sure the teachers know best. It was cute as she whispered line by line. I pray that is just a foreshadowing of his future. Praying before masses of people & preaching the Gospel! Trinity did not quite understand why she wasn't graduating. She thinks shes a twin too! She has been so cute lately. My niece, Brittany, is living with us & been teaching her a few things! We have "Talk to the hand with a wave of a hand and a rolling of the eyes - the head rolls too! She only does it for show. Lord help her if she truly tries to reply to me that way! "Spare the Rod, spoil the Child!" Brittany is evening it out as she also taught the kids "Children, obey your parents, in the Lord for this is right! (Ephesians 6:1) That is awesome! Trinity is also quite the little singer/speaker... Right now she is singing "O I love my Mommy, she sweet as she could be.... O I love my Daddy, he's cool as he could be" and she pretty much repeats this little tune to the beat of the Oscar Meyer song about a dozen times! Then there is the Pledge of Allegiance. This girl is gifted in Memory! We are storing up the Word of God in there!!!!!!!!
It has been a crazy year! It has also been AWESOME! We had a Leadership Masters Commission student, Abby, living with us. She will be moving out on Wednesday:( We love her & will miss her! She will be in Plano & hope to see her through the summer! Our niece Brittany and Jeff are living with us too. It is so fun having a full house & I mean it! It is so great to see them on FIRE for the Lord & seeking the Lord with all their heart, mind, and souls! Truly a gift to be a part of their lives! I will never forget this special time! I am dreading letting them go! I know our kids will miss Brittany tremendously! Jeffy will be going to Thailand. He may be there before us, or with us.... So thankfully they will be reunited with him! Trinity I think will be the most pleased! She sure loves J.P.
As we have been called into the mission field I have been thinking about our children's future. I pray for whatever God's Will is for their life. As a mother, I can't help but see my mom and dads pain in our leaving. So many times I just want to grab them and hug them so tightly and say, "Mom, Dad - we'll stay!", but I can't. If I did that we would be disobeying what the Lord spoke to our hearts. Believe me, we were sure and prayed confirmation for 6 months before sharing Gods Will for our lives. I pray that the Lord brings healing & comfort for all our family and friends & us to at our being so far away. It brings me joy to serve my King as he has asked. This is not just a great idea, it is what we are created for. It hurts.... This is that "dying to self" part Trent was always telling me about. It is definitely not easy, but when I look unto the Lord I am joyful in serving Him! As much as it will temporarily hurt - I hope if the rapture hasn't come yet, that our children too will be out preaching the Gospel that haven't heard yet! The Lost are everywhere! Let His Kingdom COME!!!!!!!!