Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas!!!!

Merry Christmas!! It is Christmas Eve & I just love this time of year!! We are getting ready to spend this AWESOME DAY getting the chance to see Trents' Mom & Hank. Also hoping to see Trents Dad & Cynthia and their kids Jake & Tyler! We are so looking forward to the Christmas Eve Feast at my Parents house!! It is going to be sooo great to eat all the delicious food my Mom and Dad are preparing! The kids are so excited to see their cousins!! My brother Jeff will be there with his kids Brittany & Dylan. My other brother Jason and his beautiful wife, Allison, will be there with their children Shane & Tessa! I must tell this: Our kids think of Shane in rockstar status! There is something that has awestruck our kids with Cousin Shane!!!
This time of year is so awesome & it is great to be able to have our kids at an age where they are starting to receive the true meaning of Christmas. At a time when Santa is getting all the hype, we have decided for our family that we are going to let Santa be a "fairy tale" and not a reality. I respect the choice of each family. It was cool to hear a friend of ours tell of how her family was doing the same thing by not participating in the Santa theory. She told me that they were driving down the road & her 4 year old son asked her if the clouds he saw in the distance were Santa Claus. Well she replied, no Santa is not real. Her son responded, well is Jesus real? Wow! That is so powerful! Now I am not saying what is right for every family! I am no mans judge! But what I am saying is how important it is to make Jesus a REALITY! He is ALIVE & REAL TODAY!
So with that, Trent & I are encouraged to let our kids see Jesus in us & make sure they continue to know the Reality of Christ! This is the best gift we can give them this year! Yes, they are getting Thomas the Train stuff & dollies etc., but how cool is the gift that never gets "old"! God Bless & have a Merry Christmas! I hope you are encouraged as I was by friends story!

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