Saturday, December 15, 2007

Asked to Evacuate

Hello! Our family wanted to inform you all about a possible flooding to our area. The Poo Yai Ban (village leader) has been broadcasting regularly asking everyone to evacuate our village between December 22-24 because high tides are expected. High tides that could cause severe flooding.

If you do not know, we are serving the community of Baan Nam Khem Thailand. This fishing village was the hardest hit area in Thailand by the Tsunami. Half the community was lost. Needless to say, the community has taken this notice very seriously.

There are 3 landmarks that attract much attention to our village. They are large fishing boats that washed up with the Tsunami. The boats were left there as a memorial, and have helped in local business through tourism. These landmarks have been moved. Moving these boats is not small thing - they are huge boats and required cranes and took a lot of effort. So the community is bracing itself for the "High Tides".

Please keep us and the local believers in your prayers. The people we serve are the poorest of the poor. They have precious little, and are Burmese. These people live in fear everyday. Fear of everything. Fear that they will be sent back to Burma. Fear of evil spirits. Fear of the Thai. Fear. We are praying for a FREEDOM IN CHRIST that will break these strongholds & maybe the Lord will use this time as we trust in Him.

We are trusting the Lord to lead our family & to lead the people.

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