Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sights around Chiang Mai

So, I decided to take the camera around the "big city" of Chiang Mai. The pictures are not that great as I am on the back of the motorcycle while Trent is driving in most of them! Anyway, I thought I would give you some idea of where we are on the other side of the world.

This is a picture of a stoplight. I love it! In Thailand, most stoplights have a countdown clock! I love this! I think this is something America should do. It really helps chill while you are waiting...

And this is the normal school bus! Can you believe it??? Yes, children go to and from school on this nice transportation. Right before I took this picture two of the boys were playing & one almost fell off. Oh My!

And for now I will leave you with this one. It is a bridge decorated for the King of Thailand. Thai people love their King. I mean, THEY LOVE THEIR KING! He has his picture hung up all over Thailand and is usually in a gold frame. Most bridge is decorated with his and his wife's picture during various times of their lives. The King is in his eighties???

1 comment:

The Herd said...

Love the pics--it gives a greater understanding of Thailand:)