Wednesday, May 30, 2007


May 30
Ok, so I thought this was worthy of sharing. Well, it will probably be more a Mom thing.... but here goes........
I have never before living here appreciated running water. For a brief time we did not have it here. Trent still uses a pail and fills it from the pond for his bathroom at his "office". Today I was washing dishes after lunch and I was feeling a sense of accomplishment. After all, we had half of homeschool done. Anyway, I begin to rinse a dish and suddenly the faucet starts making noises. Noices I don't really care for. It is not the first time I have heard these noises. The noises lead to orange water flowing through our faucet. Today there was a hint of brown. Awe, washing dishes in a 3rd world country! Now imagine this experience as you are bathing a "prissy" little 5 year old girl! Lord help us!

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