Friday, November 09, 2007

Birhday, Visa’s & Friends


We are back & refocused & refreshed!

First for those of you who have been waiting to hear our VISA update……We applied for 1 year, and were given 3 months. This family of 5 has to be out of the country February 5th. We are going to be in Dallas & possibly other areas while in the U.S. sharing our hearts & reapplying for 1 year VISA's where we are most likely to get them. Pray for opportunities to share and for finances to cover this trip.

The boys birthday celebration! It was more like a week long celebration. On the way to Malaysia we pulled over in Hat Yai to eat. The idea was we were driving straight through!!! Well, getting prepared for the border I reach in our bag to get our passports ready & THEY WERE NOT THERE! At the last minute we decided to downsize our luggage & I forgot to repack our passports! Trent being the servant & wonderful husband that he is put the kids and I in a hotel & drove back to Ban Nam Khem to get them. This was no small task. It is an 8 hour drive to Hat Yai & he had to come back!!!

While in Hat Yai we were able to contact a family we just adore. They have a 2 little boys Josiah age 5 & Jude almost 2 - our kids play so great together. So the fun started there! There was an indoor park and the kids got to ride rides & even eat at a McDonalds! Very different from the village life!

Once Trent returned we were on to Malaysia. There we applied for our visas & got to relax a bit. The visa procedure takes 2 days. So we waited for the results and celebrated Jackson & Braden's 7th Birthday. The boys had so much fun! What a wonderful way to celebrate!

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