Tuesday, November 13, 2007

De Tway

One of the believer in our church, De Tway, has a very special place in my heart. I have had a heart for her since the 1st day she came to Thailand from Burma. I see her daily & have been so encouraged as she has continued to grow in understanding of Jesus. There have been changes in her life in response the gospel.

However, I am sad to say that while we were in Malaysia a marriage was planned for her. We are getting mixed information from rape to consent, but the Burmese culture is that either way there must be a marriage following. So, she is set to marry in the morning.

My heart is heavy as this man is a Buddhist. He did come to church and ask us for prayer & we pray that is the beginning of a life surrendered to Christ. The heart breaking part is that the marriage taking place is in Buddhist tradition. These traditions are demonic & the sacrifices and offerings to other devils have begun. In addition there is a welcoming of the "spirits". Tomorrow morning a monk is coming to "bless" their marriage.

My heart is burdened that De Tray is being married in this demonic activity. Pray for her. I am not sure she really believes she has a choice. We have shared the Word of God with her & shared our love personally for her. She has made the choice to move forward. My heart prays that as she seems "smitten" with him, that she make Jesus number 1 in her heart.

In addition to this we had to decline the invitation to the wedding. She understood as we explained to her in the Word where we stood. We have taken a stand for Christ. Now we are not in fear of physical damage, but there is already "backlash" towards our stand. Our stand is not cultural, but with Christ. Pray for peace and reconciliation.


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