Thursday, October 09, 2008

A thought worthy of meditating on...

God delights to increase the faith of his children. We ought,
instead of wanting no trials before victory, no exercise for
patience, to be willing to take them from God's hands as a
means. Trials, obstacles, difficulties, and sometimes defeats,
are the very food of faith.

-- George Müller

In light of what we have just walked through - this really ministered to me! Jackson is home, recovering & doing great! Thank you for your continued prayers.

As soon as we get Jax out of the "home zone" we will be moving forward with our ministry call. We are really excited to get started with our passion of sharing the love of Jesus!!!

God has been faithful to keep us & just this morning the kids and I were reading Psalms 121. We are really trying to focus on God as our keeper around here. There has been a lot of adjustment & the kids are doing well in spite of it all. Braden would rather be in Thailand & Trinity is so so so missing her family there. BUT! We can trust our God that He has called us here & will keep us. That He is THE GOOD FATHER & His eyes are upon us & we can rest in Him & His plans for our lives.

Isn't that true for any situation we are going through? God's love and His Word applies to us all - ALL THE TIME! AMEN & THANK YOU JESUS!

With love, Amy

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