Thursday, October 11, 2007

Prayer Request

I was just putting together some information about our family & I thought I would share our prayer request here too.

Anointing: Pray that we will experience a continued fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit's anointing upon our lives and ministries.

Encouragement:Discouragement can easily set in amid heavy workloads and adjustments to cultures. Pray God will strengthen us spiritually.

Evangelism:Reaching people for Christ is the heartbeat of missions. Pray that the Spirit of God will move mightily in crusades and open hearts in personal evangelism.

Family:Missionary life requires commitment and sacrifice from every member of a missionary's family, even those we have left behind in America. Pray that God will strengthen our family members and draw them closer to each other in the Lord.

Health:Many missionaries battle physical illness. Pray for continued health and sustained strength for the task.

Projects:Numerous projects are under way on the mission field - church planting, Bible schools, day cares, renovations, etc. Pray that materials, workers, and finances will be provided to complete these projects.

Protection:Spiritual warfare is real. We often come under Satan's attack. Pray that God will shield us from harm and give us victory in overcoming spiritual darkness.

Provision:Needs in some countries are especially great. Cost of food, utilities and other supplies can be staggering. Pray that God will provide for day-to-day needs.

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